Welcome to the Prok Tech website. It's time to share more about who we are, why we're here, and how it all began.
On March 3, 2023, a group of experienced professionals, armed with results, satisfied clients, and knowledge, decided to join forces and create Prok Tech. With over 9 years of experience in lead generation through LinkedIn, we knew we could do something special. Together.
З 2019 року ми допомогли більше ніж 150 компаніям і сприяли розвитку наших клієнтів у багатьох сферах бізнесу як кастомна розробка ІТ рішень, рекрутмент, фінтех, страхування, та багатьох інших.
Ми допомагаємо підприємствам подолати нагальні бізнес-проблеми за допомогою залучення нових клієнтів та збільшення прибутку компанії.
satisfied customers
years experience
countries from customers
interactions conducted
earned by our customers
satisfied customers
years experience
countries from customers
interactions conducted
earned our customers
Prok Tech is your strategic partner in growth thanks to innovative practices in marketing and sales.
Our mission is to empower companies around the world to achieve more. We believe in business growth thanks to innovative practices in lead generation and sales 🚀
Our vision is to become the number one growth partner for businesses around the world by providing quality services and innovative solutions
Always customer-oriented: we always strive for the complete satisfaction of our customers and provide them with quality services and support at every stage of cooperation.
We offer initiatives: we encourage initiatives within the company to achieve the company's mission and improve our operations.
We innovate: we constantly look for and implement new ideas and solutions to improve the quality of our services and meet the needs of our customers.
We do it with quality: we strive for the highest quality in everything we do and always strive for improvement.
We develop a corporate culture: we strive for mutual respect, cooperation and support in our team to achieve a common goal.
We think out of the box: we think "out of the box". We are always looking for new and better ways to achieve the ultimate goal.
We trust each other: we don't like micromanagement and treat employees with trust, because we understand that trust and responsibility are one of the main components of an innovative enterprise
Why Prok Tech?
We guarantee meetings with high quality leads
Quality leads - higher conversion
Attention to detail is key
Turnkey result
Manual and personalized messages
Trust of potential clients in your business
Optimization of lead generation channels
Personalized Approach
We guarantee meetings with high quality leads
Quality leads - higher conversion
Attention to detail is key
Turnkey result
Manual and personalized messages
Trust of potential clients in your business
Optimization of lead generation channels
Personalized Approach
Why Prok Tech?
We guarantee meetings withhigh quality leads
Quality leads - higher conversion
Attention to details key
Turnkey result
Manual and personalized messages
Trust of potential clients in your business
Optimization of lead generation channels
Personalized Approach
We guarantee meetings with high quality leads
Quality leads - higher conversion
Attention to detailis key
Turnkey result
Manual and personalized messages
Trust of potential clients in your business
Optimization of lead generation channels
Personalized Approach
Чому Prok Tech?
Стратегічний притік клієнтів у Ваш бізнес
Якісні ліди - вища конверсія
Підвищення впізнаваності вашого бренду
Можливість зростати без залучення нового персоналу